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Rivajam Bee House Planter Box Care

Caring for and Keeping your Mason Bees


The Bee House must be in full sun, facing south east or south, at least 3.3ft but no more than 6.5ft (1-2 metres) off the ground. There must be no trees or plants in the way of the entrances. The Bee House comes with its own roof for shelter, however to maximize its lifespan it’s best placed out of direct rain (for example under a roof overhang).

The Bee House must be firmly fixed so that it does not move in the wind, so don’t hang it from a tree branch. Mounting hooks have been provided on the back of each Bee House; please carefully
measure the distance between the two hooks before drilling the appropriate sized/type of screws into your mounting surface.

Native bees live alone, are cold­blooded and rely on the sun’s heat to warm them up in the morning, hence the need for a sunny site ­ otherwise the Bee House won’t be used.


The Bee House’s nesting tubes can stay outside, but you can have better population growth if you move the nesting tubes to a protected storage area to prevent predators from feeding on the developing bees. They can be placed inside a sealed paper bag or cardboard box protected from mice, or in a plastic container with ventilation holes. They need a well­-ventilated space with summer warmth to fully develop (like a garage or shed).


Slide the cardboard tubes filled with cocoons carefully from the Bee House, and thoroughly clean the empty Bee House ready for use come Spring. Store the cocoons in a cool dry area such as an unheated garden shed during winter for protection, and so they don’t hatch. Winter temperatures can’t go below 10F (-12C) or the bees may die. But if it becomes too warm, they may hatch prematurely before spring and not have access to suitable food.


At the start of each new spring season, put new Rivajam replacement tubes into the Bee House ready for nesting. Different types of new nesting tubes are available to purchase from our website:

Beware Birds!

If you notice Woodpeckers or other birds attacking the tubes looking for bee larvae, fix a piece of chicken wire across the front of the Bee House. This does not stop the bees from going about their usual business.

Did You Know?

  • Most native bees are non-aggressive, and are too small to have an effective sting; however it’s always a good idea to observe from a safe distance, and let an adult handle the Bee House when it’s in use by the bees.
  • It takes a month for a native bee to lay all her eggs. Each nesting tube can be a single home for as many as 10 to 12 babies from one mother bee!
  • There are hundreds and hundreds of different types of native bees in every country! Chances are, no matter where you live, you probably have these helpful bees flying around looking for a suitable place to nest.
  • Native bees are nature’s super­pollinator. These friendly bees can help the plants and trees in your garden come alive with flowers!
  • Bees’ wings move like helicopter blades. They fly an average of 15 miles (24km) per hour and their wings flap at 200 beats per second.